Results & Prices

A huge thanks to our Judge, Mr. Lesley Liggett ably assisted by his daughter Aimee. Carony Suffolks

Unfortunately, Mr. Paddy Carolan, Muff Suffolks was not able to attend due to illness. (Speedy recovery Paddy)

Sponsors were Univet and Homeland. Many thanks to Mark O’Rourke and Hugh Mc Garrigle.

Auctioneer- Robert Gourle


Supreme Champion & Winner Ram Lamb Class – John Doherty, Malinhead, Ram Lamb being presented with the Tommy Feeney Memorial Cup

Show results.

Ewe lamb class.

1st- John Molloy Suffolks. Lot 3

2nd -Jeffrey Thornton. Lot 2

3rd – Jeffrey Thornton. Lot 1

Ewe Lamb Class, Winner, John Molloy

Shearling class.

1st-Richard Wilson. Lot 22. Sold 920

2nd- Andrew Wilson. Lot 12. Sold 600

3rd- John Molloy Suffolks. Lot 21. Sold 880

Shearling Ram Class Winner : Richard Wilson

Ram Lamb class.

1st- John Doherty. Lot 42. (Receiving the Tommy Feeney memorial Cup) Sold 1380

2nd- Natasha Doherty Lot 35. Sold 800

3rd – John Doherty. Lot 43. Sold 900

4th- Leah Holmes. Lot 37. Sold 800

Ram Lamb Pairs-

1st- Alan Kilpatrick. Lot 14 and 49. Sold 780 & 520

2nd – Leah Holmes. Lot 36 and 66. Sold 680

3rd- Andrew Lucas. Lot 32 and 64. Sold 820 & 500

4th- Richard Wilson. Lot 23 and 56. Sold 700 & 680

Ram Lamb, Pairs – Winner Alan Kilpatrick

Reserve Champion- Natasha Doherty. Lot 35

Reserve Champion, Neil & Natasha Doherty, 2nd Ram Lamb Class

Supreme Champion- John Doherty. Lot 42

Other prices to note.

Lot 17, Tommy Cavanagh Sold 1180

Lot 21, John Molloy Sold 880

Lot 29, Jeffrey Thornton Sold 820

Lot 30, Jeffrey Thornton Sold 740

Lot 31, Andrew Lucas Sold 1000

Lot 34, Seamus Mc Connon Sold 720

Lot 37, Leah Holmes Sold 800

Lot 38, Pj Mc Monagle Sold 820

Lot 43, John Doherty Sold 900

Lot 52, Tommy Cavanagh Sold 900

Lot 60, Oliver and Karen O Hara Sold 700

Lot 57, Seamus Browne. Sold 640. The last Ram lamb from the Errigal Suffolks before the dispersal sale.

Many Thanks to everyone involved, to our Sponsors, to the buyers and the underbidders.




Supreme Champion – Aged Ewe, Arthur O’Keeffe with Judge, Dennis Taylor & Handler, Patrick O’Keeffe

The South of Ireland Suffolk Sheep Society held their annual National Championships at Dundalk Show on Sunday 9th June. All classes were very well supported with a mix of established and new breeders presenting an excellent standard of stock. There was great interest in proceedings with a strong ringside crowd watching on including many breeders from Northern Ireland. The Society would like to thank Connolly Red Mills for their sponsorship of the show this year.

The show judge was Mr. Dennis Taylor of the renowned Ballynacannon Flock, based in Co. Antrim who tapped out a tremendous ewe from Arthur O’Keeffe’s Annakisha flock as Overall Champion. A 2022 born ewe, she also took 1st prize in the Aged Ewe class and is sired by Ballinatone BT Buddy and out of a homebred ewe by Strathbogie AK Magic. After taking the Suffolk Championship, this ewe then went forward and claimed the Interbreed Championship.

Taking Reserve Overall Champion was the 1st prize shearling ewe from Philip Lynch’s Glyde flock. A stylish ewe, she is by Ballinatone BT Buddy and a Castleisle ewe by Lakeview Armani.

Reserve Champion – Philip Lynch, Shearling Ewe

A young ram lamb by Ballinatone BT Buddy and a homebred ewe by Castleisle Kilteskin Prince, from the flock of Arthur O’Keeffe claimed the Male Championship. This lamb was 1st in the Open ram lamb class and it was the 2nd prizewinner from the same class that took Reserve Male Champion. From the Malinhead flock of John Doherty, Co. Donegal, this ram lamb is sired by Crewelands Dancing Brave and out of a ewe by Limestone Red Rum.

Male Champion – Arthur O’Keeffe, Ram Lamb

Taking first place in the Shearling Ram and upwards class was JA & AJ Lucas, Finnvale with their stock ram Claycrop MacAllister, a private purchase by the 48,000gns Limestone Marksman.

For the first time this year, there was a New Members class and this was a huge success with a large entry. Taking top honors here was Sean O’Gorman, Roselodge with a ram lamb by Limestone Commando. The lamb’s dam was purchased as Female Champion at the Premier Show & Sale at Blessington 2022. This ram lamb then went on to claim 1st prize in the Novice Ram lamb class.

A strong ewe lamb from Shane Brady’s Milldam flock took 1st prize in the Novice Ewe Lamb class. She is by Bessiebell Big Brother and a Shannagh ewe.

Arthur O’Keeffe’s ewe lamb claimed 1st prize in the Trimmed ewe lamb class. This lamb is sired by the 10,000gns Blackbrae AB President with her dam being the ewe who was Supreme Champion on the day.

The untrimmed ewe lamb class was won by the Malinhead flock of John Doherty. This lamb is by Crewelands Dancing Brave and is a full sister to the Reserve Male Champion on the day.

In the Young Handlers class it was great to see so much enthusiasm and congratulations to Ben Lynch for winning 1st prize. In second place was Ben Whyte with Tara Bailey taking 3rd prize.

Young Handlers with Judge, Dennis Taylor: 1st Ben Lynch, 2nd Ben Whyte, 3rd Tara Bailey

The Society would like to congratulate the organizers of Dundalk Show on a very well run event.



Suffolk Sheep Society South of Ireland

Coote Geelan, Loughrynn Flock

The Committee of the Suffolk Sheep Society were delighted to nominate Mr Coote Geelan of the Loughrynn Flock in Co. Leitrim as the 2023 recipient of the National Hall of Fame for Suffolk Sheep. The National Hall of Fame Awards, now in their 19th year, are an annual all-livestock breeds event held to  ‘recognise individuals who have dedicated their lifetimes for the improvement and progress within their chosen breed’

The 2023 Awards were presented this year by Mr Adam Woods, Beef Editor at the Irish Farmers Journal.

Coote Geelan receiving the 2023 Hall of Fame award from Adam Woods, Beef Editor, Irish Farmers Journal

Established in 1981 ‘with the purchase of four 1 Shear and one 2 Shear Ewes bred by J. Coughlan’, Coote could never have known the multitude of awards, rosettes and competitions he would go on to win over the course of his lifetime. Regularly attending competitions and shows, Coote was successful both North and South which included prizes at The RDS ‘Spring Show’, the Balmoral Show, National Livestock Show,  National Suffolk Championships, National Premier Show and countless Agricultural Shows, the length and breadth of the country. He has served on many Suffolk committees over the years, contributing greatly to the enhancement of the breed.

Coote is very modest about his achievements and says that he owes much of his expertise to the likes of the late Bob Howlett, Ted Jeffery and Herbert Stanley who he says ‘taught me many skills in trimming and judging sheep’. Coote is renowned for his capabilities in trimming and showing sheep and has helped many aspiring new Suffolk Breeders on their journeys, mentoring them with patience and good humour in the skill of animal presentation.

Coote is a great believer in producing well fleshed rams aimed at the Commercial farmer. A good quality Suffolk ram helps to produce hardy, fast finishing lambs which in turn boost on farm profits from high farm gate prices for early, top quality lambs. Carcass is key in the Suffolk Ram.

The Loughrynn Flock today still enjoys great success at National and local level with the help of Coote’s son Trevor who has been attending shows and tending the flock with his father since he was old enough to hold a rosette!

Coote would like to extend his gratitude to the Committee of the Suffolk Sheep Society, South of Ireland for his nomination, which he sees as a huge honour. He would also like to thank his family for all their support over the years without whom, non of his successes would have been possible.

Kenneth Bailey, Gerry Killilea, Alison Irwin, Coote Geelan, Garth Graham, Susan O’Keeffe (Chairperson)

Presentation of Prizes at Society AGM

Presentation of Prizes at Society AGM

Suffolk Sheep Society AGM

The Suffolk Sheep Society recently held its AGM in Tullamore.

The meeting was Chaired by outgoing Chairman Mr Dan O’Mahony who welcomed all the attendees. Mr O’Mahony thanked the Committee for all their hard work during the year. He re-iterated that much had been achieved in 2022 and he mentioned the fact that the Society is attracting many new breeders. He also stated that in the post Brexit era, the future is looking bright for the Society and the Suffolk breed and that there are many opportunities to be availed of by breeders.

The committee were delighted to have Mr Robin McIlrath, outgoing CEO of the Suffolk Sheep Society UK, along with his wife Roberta  in attendance at the meeting. A presentation was made by the Society to Robin as a token of appreciation for his all his hard work and guidance in the South of Ireland throughout his tenure as CEO and the Committee and attendees wished him well in his retirement.

Robin McIlrath (outgoing CEO Suffolk Sheep Society UK), Roberta McIlrath and Dan O’Mahony (Chairman Suffolk Sheep Society – South of Ireland)

Mr O’Mahony thanked attendees for coming and wished everyone well with their 2023 lambing season.

At the end of the meeting the presentation of prizes to the winners at the Premier Show took place. Winners of each class detailed below:

National Suffolk Championships 2022

National Suffolk Championships 2022

Charleville, June 26th 2022

On Sunday 26th June, Suffolk Sheep Society South of Ireland breeders from all over the country turned up to Charleville Agricultural Show to compete in the Irish Suffolk Sheep National Championships from which there had been an absence of 3 years as a result of the pandemic. It was great to see such a high level of interest at the Suffolk ring and we were especially delighted to see some of our Suffolk Colleagues from the Netherlands attending the Show while on a visit to Ireland.

The Society were delighted to receive a new cup for the Supreme Champion of the Show. The Tom Quirke Memorial Cup was presented to the Society by Ann Quirke-O’Mahony on behalf of the entire Quirke Family in memory of her late Father who was an enthusiastic and forward thinking Suffolk Breeder, from his Flock’s establishment in 1967 up until his death in August 2017.

Despite inclement weather conditions, enthusiasm was high as Judge William Fleming of the Hallhill Flock in Scotland prepared to take to the ring. The standard of sheep presented on the day was a credit to all the breeders participating and showcased the Suffolk Breed to its full potential to all those watching the show.

The show kicked off with the Junior Handler class which saw 7 enthusiastic young stock persons demonstrate their knowledge and ability to handle sheep. It was 15 year old Harry Graham of the Westside flock, which he established in 2020, who received the red rosette from the Judge.

In the Shearling Ram class, it was Arthur O’Keeffe who dominated with a Birness Freedom son with Coote Geelan’s Cairness Diamond Geezer son taking second and Harry Graham’s Errigal Jack the Lad’s son taking the third spot.

The sun shone as the Aged Ewes took to the ring with Susan O’Keeffe’s home bred ewe, sired by Castleisle Kilteskin Prince taking the top honours in the Class. In the Shearling Ewe Class, Susan O’Keefe dominated the field once again catching the judge’s eye with her Annakisha Ewe, again sired by Castleisle Kilteskin Prince. Her second entry  also sired by Prince took second and Kenneth Bailey’s Cairness Cobra sired ewe took the third spot.

In the Novice Class it was Coote Geelan of the Loughrynn Flock who took top honours with his stylish ewe lamb, sired by Beechbrook Oscar. It was a tight call between Kenneth Bailey’s ewe lamb sired by Cairness Our Bucks and Ann & Dan O’Mahony’s Errigal the Emperor sired Ewe lamb for second and third but the judge settled on Lismurtagh second and Ballygarvanstud third in the class.

The Ram Lamb class was next in the line up where Susan O’Keeffe’s Muirton One Direction son took top honours with Sean O’Connor of the Islandmore Flock claiming his first rosette of the day, taking second with a Beechcrest Bacardi son. Third in the class was Ann & Dan O’Mahony’s Blackbrae Diamond son.

Next it was the turn of the ewe lambs and the first class in was the Untrimmed Ewe Lamb where Philip Byrne of the Limepark Flock showed a lamb by Errigal Simply the Best. She was a stylish ewe lamb who emerged from the class victorious, claiming the red rosette, much to the delight of Philip’s son Padraig who had shown her earlier in the Young Handler Class.

The final class of the day was the Trimmed Ewe Lamb which resulted in a hat trick for the O’Keeffe family with Patrick and his Blackwater Flock taking first with his Ballinatone BT Buddy son, Susan taking second with her ewe lamb also sired by BT Buddy and Arthur taking third spot with his lamb sired by Castlewellan Sportsman.

In the Female Championship it was Susan O’Keeffe’s Shearling Ewe who claimed the top honours and Philip Byrne’s Untrimmed Ewe Lamb took the Reserve spot.

The Male Championship was awarded to Arthur O’Keeffe’s Shearling ram with Susan O’Keeffe’s Ram Lamb taking the Reserve Spot.

In the Final Showdown the judge tapped out Susan O’Keefe’s Shearling Ewe as his favourite of the day to claim the Supreme Champion title and the newly presented Tom Quirke Memorial Cup, with Philip Byrne’s Untrimmed Ewe lamb emerging as Reserve Champion.

The Society would like to thank our sponsors for the day – Connolly’s Redmills and Animax-Vet for their generous support. We would also like to express our gratitude to the Sheep Section Show Committee for setting up the penning and showing area and for running such a well organised event.